Thanks to the new technologies of programmatic shopping, we connect advertisers and their most related audience in order for our clients to achieve great results and relevant ads for users.
Thanks to the new technologies of programmatic shopping, we connect advertisers and their most related audience in order for our clients to achieve great results and relevant ads for users.
We have an expert programmatics team, with more than 10 years of experience in the sector. We are capable of designing the best strategy for each of our clients. We apply constant optimisations to achieve objectives.
We use the best and most advanced technologies in the sector to reach our clients’ target audiences.
Our team of professional experts guide and manage programmatic campaigns from start to finish.
At NCH we are trained and certified in the most important DSPs and programmatic tools in the industry to reach our clients’ target audiences.
We are certified experts in Google Marketing Platform, which gives us the ability to connect advertisers with the right technology to measure, optimize and centralize their advertising activities.